Our 2H23 market outlook has brightened modestly following the most recent inflation report, which lowered our recession assessment. However, inflation will need to continue to ease into the autumn months in order to provide an all clear on the inflationary coast. While recession risk has ebbed, the economy continues to straddle a knife’s edge. If […]
Market Tea Leaves for 2H22
As July approaches, let’s read the market tea leaves for 2H2022 and beyond. Over the past few weeks, markets have priced a broader growth scare as commodity equities sold off sharply and Treasuries priced a lower and earlier peak in Fed Funds rate. However, bonds markets were blind to the inflation surge, so why should […]
Crypto Executive Order Embraces The Industry
President Biden’s crypto executive order embraces the industry and illustrates how digital assets have become mainstream. It’s surreal to hear “the rise in digital assets creates an opportunity to reinforce American leadership in the global financial system and at the technological frontier…” coming from the White House. The various government departments and agencies are instructed […]
Is the Ukraine invasion a buy trigger?
The question “Is the Ukraine invasion a buy trigger?” does not attempt to make light of the destruction and suffering in Ukrainian. Readers look to The Dispatch for investment observations, not malformed geopolitical ramblings. We shall aim to stick to our knitting even during this unfortunate time. The massive markets reversal on Thursday was a […]
US Inflation Upswing Remains
US inflation upswing remains in place even as the Federal Reserve says it’s transitory and announced a only a gradual reduction of QE. This means the Fed will only slow the purchase of Treasury Securities, with the balance sheet continuing to grow until ~June 2022. Despite the Fed dismissing inflation risks, the key indicators followed […]